
摘 要

  1、Think of a night to whisper, but only opened the mouth became good morning; Save a day's news, but the opening became a good night. 想了一晚上的悄悄话,开口却只成了早安;攒了一天的新鲜事,开口却又成了晚安

1、Think of a night to whisper, but only opened the mouth became good morning; Save a day's news, but the opening became a good night.


2、I suddenly want to chat with you. I open the window and suddenly find that the last ending is me.

突然想找你聊天, 打开窗口, 突然发现上次结尾是我 你没有回, 欲言又止。

3、You find it more and more difficult to like someone and you finally meet someone you like and suddenly you are afraid because when you know you like her, you have been with her for a lifetime in your mind, but in fact, you don't know if she can have you in her future.

你发现喜欢一个人变得越来越难了, 终于遇到了个喜欢的人, 却突然害怕了。因为当你知道自己喜欢上她的时候, 脑海里就已经想着跟她过了一辈子了, 可是事实上你并不知道她的未来能不能有你。

4、There are things that you can come to terms with and accept, but still feel sad about.


5、The order of people is really important. People who are drunk with you can't send you home.


6、I am going to send a message before going to bed and then go to sleep. No matter your reply, I will not expect or guess any more. I will sleep until dawn.

I said this, so determined, or secretly turned up the volume, even the vibration turned on.



7、The night I broke down, the mistakes were all on me,When I cried my heart out,It's all about you。


8、I have shouldered the pressure of work, endured the pain of lovelorn, but because the bath did not have hot water squatting on the ground to scold and cry.


9、Thinking of you at night. It's no use counting sheep, it's no use counting stars, it's no use drinking, it's no use, it's no use, it's no use except thinking of you.

想你的夜晚。 数羊没用,数星星没用, 喝酒没用,没用 没用 没用,除了想你,什么都没用。

10、I'd rather the two of us sit down to a farewell party than be cold and violent.

相比冷暴力, 我宁可两个人大大方方坐下来吃顿散伙饭,最后说一句,我们就到这了。

11、Have you ever experienced that feeling? A person lying in bed crying, but can not make a little sound to come, really very uncomfortable, the nose is all blocked up, tears have been to the side of the flow, even drained, but only with headphones to listen to music.

你们体会过那种感觉吗? 一个人躺在床上哭泣, 却不能发出一点点声音来, 真的很难受 ,鼻子全部堵住了 ,眼泪一直往一边流, 甚至都流干了, 却只能带着耳机听歌。

12、Actually really kill me, never break up that moment of malicious words, but calm down at a moment, I suddenly think of you about the pieces, it is lingchi.

其实真正杀我的,从来都不是分手那一刻的狠话,而是平静下来的某一刻, 我突然想到与你有关的零碎,那是凌迟。


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