In this lab, researchers are trying to distill human emotions to perhaps one day develop a smart headrests in a car that can sense what a passenger is feeling.
As soon as you sit in it in the automobile seat, eight couples electromagnetically and measures your brainwaves.
And so those brainwaves need to be correlated with the fundamental basic human emotions.

Researchers are using different types of commercially available technology to stimulate the brains, such as seeing these images to read human emotions and to measure levels of engagement.
Some devices measure electrical activity in the brain while others track the eyes.
We identify which information, bio information things are most important and then you feed those real-time to an autonomous system and that could be a car.

The goal is that humans and intelligent cars work better together.
One application could be for an autonomous vehicle to sense the humans cognitive state in a military combat setting.
Lots of things are going on, the machine may want to know the anxiety level of the operator or the human.

Engineering professor James Hubbard Jr. says self-driving cars can also help passengers outside the battlefield.
You just may simply be concerned that the rider is becoming anxious and you may play music.
Even with the benefits of an emotions sensing car, not everyone may want their emotions read.

What if a person's cognitive state falls in the wrong hands since a car these days is also a computer?
You know, I can make a screwdriver right it's a wonderful tool, but it's also a deadly weapon.
I would say that's not gonna stop us from exploring the science.

It may take years before self-driving cars can read human emotions, the hope is a car that's more sensitive to your emotions can be a safer car.