
摘 要

  【本课内容】在本课中我们将读到、听到和感受到温馨而美丽的小小说《When Your Greatest Romance is Friendship》(当你遇见的最美情感是友谊的时候)的第二部分。 【刘博士英语学习法分享

【本课内容】在本课中我们将读到、听到和感受到温馨而美丽的小小说《When Your Greatest Romance is Friendship》(当你遇见的最美情感是友谊的时候)的第二部分。










如果大家还记得的话,我们在学习母语的过程中,有两个里程碑: 一个是第一次清楚地叫出“爸爸妈妈”的时候;还有一个里程碑就是:当我们能够独立阅读的时候。


【刘博士译文】:《When Your Greatest Romance is Friendship 02》(当你遇见的最美情感是友谊的时候 02)























Audio Transcript: When Your Greatest Romance is Friendship (02)

But there I was the next weekend having dinner with her, and then it was every weekend. Sometimes we went out to a restaurant or hiked in the mountains. Austin s older friends seemed confused.

“Is he helping you with the computer?” one asked.

When I first starting talking about Austin to my own out-of-town friends, they assumed I had found a new boyfriend.

“Austin s a woman,” I would say. “Besides, she s in her 80s. She s just a pal.”

Even as they replied, “That s cool,” I could almost hear them thinking: “Must be slim pickings out there.”

What was perplexing, I suppose, was not that two people of such different ages had become friends, but that we had essentially become best friends. Others saw our devotion as either strange or quaint, like one of those unlikely animal friendships: a monkey and a pigeon, perhaps.

If we made no sense from the outside, it didn t matter. We were mostly looking at each other.

One night, Austin chatted about her life as a middle-aged wife in academia. “I completely missed out on the wildness of the 60s,” she said.

I told her I had missed out, too.

“You weren t born yet,” she said. “Or hardly.”

Often we cooked together, as we had that first night, after which she would show me whatever painting she was working on. At her request, I also started reading to her from my book-in-progress. We gave each other feedback; our work improved.

When my six-month lease was up, I renewed it. The novel wasn t finished. Plus, I couldn t imagine a better neighbor.

Before I knew it, three years had passed. I was writing seven days a week and spending most evenings with Austin. She had spells of vertigo now, and when we walked together she held my arm. Often she couldn t find the right word for something. When she wanted to keep away visitors so she could paint, she hung a sign on her studio door: “Do not destroy.”

Soon the headaches came, and more jumbled language. “I need to screw my calls,” she said, meaning she needed to screen them.

We laughed, then sobered. Tests were scheduled.

Now she is eight months into what the doctors say is a quick-ravaging illness deep in her brain. They say there is no stopping it. A year more, if she s lucky. Even as I refuse to believe this, I prepare for it.

How? By keeping my promise to her.

A few months before her diagnosis, Austin had attended a wedding. She showed me a copy of the vows, which had been distributed at the ceremony — a detailed list. I read it carefully, at Austin s request. We were sitting in a car, waiting for our favorite Thai restaurant to open.

“I never had anything like that with the men in my life,” she said, pointing to the vows. “We loved each other, but we didn t have that.” She was crying now, something she rarely did.

I took her hand and said, “Well, you have it with me. Everything but the sex.”

At which point, the monkey kissed the pigeon.

That night, I had an odd realization: Some of the greatest romances of my life have been friendships. And these friendships have been, in many ways, more mysterious than erotic love: more subtle, less selfish, more attuned to kindness.

(To be continued.)

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