大家好 我是晴天 如果喜欢就顺手点个关注哦~
一. 遇见不一定会有结果,但一定有意义。
Meeting may not have results, but it must be meaningful.
二. 人潮拥挤,也阻止不了我想奔向你。
The crowd can't stop me from running to you.
三. 清晨的粥比深夜的酒好喝。
Early morning porridge is better than late night wine.
四. 把期望降到最低,你会快乐很多。
Keep expectations to a minimum and you'll be happier.

五. 能给你带来快乐的不止爱情,还有自己通过努力带来的优越感。
What can bring you happiness is not only love, but also the sense of superiority brought by your efforts.
六. 生活不止眼前的苟且,还有诗和远方的田野。
Life is not only about the present, but also poetry and distant fields.
七. 收好你的卑微,你也是这个世界独一无二的人。
Take care of your humble, you are also a unique person in this world.
八. 努力追上你的每一天,都是美好的。
Try to catch up with you every day, is good.
九. 今天的难过请到此结束,明天继续万丈光芒。
This is the end of today's sadness, and tomorrow will continue to shine.

十. 每个女孩子都是遗落在世间暗暗发光的星星。
Every girl is a dark shining star left in the world.
十一. 做自己喜欢的事情,奔赴快乐的生活,未来才有意义。
Only when you do what you like and go to a happy life can the future be meaningful.
十二. 当下的日子有多苦,未来的日子就有多甜。
How bitter the present day is, how sweet the future will be.
十三. 好的坏的都收下,生活还得继续。光能照进来的地方都有希望。
Take the good and the bad, and life has to go on. Where light comes in, there is hope.

十四. 余生很短,遇到喜欢的人要记得表白 喜欢的事情要记得收藏,一定要在自己喜欢的世界里面闪闪发光。
The rest of your life is very short. When you meet someone you like, you should remember to declare what you like, and you should remember to collect it. You must shine in the world you like.
十五. 后来我明白喜欢要适度,就像我喜欢海,我也不能跳海
Later, I learned that I like to be moderate, just as I like the sea, I can't jump into the sea.
十六. 我可以为你走九十九步,但剩下的一步必须你自己完成
I can take ninety-nine steps for you, but the rest must be done by yourself

十七. 需要艰辛来维持的感情不如放手吧,合适真的比喜欢要重要得多。
It's better to let go of the feelings that need hard to maintain. It's more important to be suitable than to like.
十八. 怀有希望才能所向披靡,路的尽头终会是希望。
Hope can conquer everything, and hope will be at the end of the road.
十九. 保持好心情,记得定时清理坏情绪。
Keep a good mood, and remember to clean up bad emotions regularly.

晴天今天就分享到这里了 感谢大家一路走来的支持与陪伴。